History trivia quiz. Only 1 in 287 people manage to get the highest score. Doo you think you can do it too? A trivia that will make you sweat.
If you know the name of Cerberus’ brother, the guardian of hell, that point is yours. Are you ready? Let’s play.
Greek mythology QUIZ. Can you score 15/15?
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- Question of
According to Greek mythology there were three virgin goddesses:
- Athena, Hebe, Artenisa
- Artemis, Athena and Hestia
- Nemesis, Athena, Hera
- Question of
Hades, in spite of being the god of the underworld, is not the one who judges souls, but the three demigods Radamantis, Éaco and Minos.
- True
- False
- Question of
Of all the gods, Ares had the worst relationship with Athena, to whom he professed great hostility.
- True
- False
- Question of
Select the name of the parents of the Titans and the Titanides.
- Aunt and Ocean
- Críos and Temis
- Uranus and Gaia
- Question of
The Titan whose offspring are of greatest importance is:
- Cronus
- Helios
- Question of
In Greek mythology, the personification of sarcasm, mockery and ironic sharpness is the god:
- Hephaestus
- Nix
- Momo
- Question of
The Hesperides, in addition to caring for the garden where the apple tree lies, were said to get great pleasure from:
- Dancing
- Killing
- Singing
- Question of
He prophesied to Paris the evils that Helena’s kidnapping would bring to his homeland, what god are we referring to?
- Nereus
- Eritia
- Question of
Iris is the rainbow goddess who announces the covenant of humans and gods and the end of the storm.
- True
- False
- Question of
Galatea nymph of the sea married to Peleo and mother of Achilles.
- True.
- False, the name of Achilles’ mother is Tetis.
- Question of
The most famous of the Cyclops, son of Poseidon and nymph Thoosa is:
- Polyphemus
- Hephaestus
- Eusturis
- Question of
They had one eye and one tooth for all, which they shared and used in turns.
- The Graeae
- The Grey Sisters
- The daughters of Phorcys
- All three options are valid.
- None of the options are valid.
- Question of
The three Graeae were sisters of three other monsters, the Gorgons, called Esteno, Euríala and Medusa.
- True
- False
- Question of
When Perseus kills Medusa, two beings emerge from her body when she dies: Pegasus, the winged horse, and ____.
- Jason, the leader of the Argonauts
- Khrysaor, the hero of the golden sword
- Question of
Select the name of the two-headed dog, son of Equidna and Typhoon, and brother of Cerberus.
- Sphinx
- Orthro
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