15 animal quiz questions to test you out. Will you be able to respond without failing? Only 1 out of 265 people can score 15/15. Do you know what continent giraffes mainly live on? We know you do.
15 animal quiz questions to test you out. Ready for a challenge?
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- Question of
Which of the following mammals lacks vocal cords?
- Zebra
- Dolphin
- Giraffe
- Question of
Which of the options is the fastest bird?
- Golden Eagle
- Kestrel
- Peregrine Falcon
- Question of
Approximately how long is the gestation period of an African elephant?
- Almost a year.
- Almost two years.
- Almost six months.
- Question of
Now tell me, how many hearts does an octopus have?
- 1
- 3
- 4
- Question of
From the options, select the largest feline.
- The tiger
- The lion
- The Panther
- Question of
On what continent do giraffes mainly live?
- Asia
- America
- Africa
- Question of
From the options, select the most poisonous animal.
- Sea Wasp
- Real Cobra
- Blue Ringed Octopus
- Question of
Which of these animals sleeps about 18 hours a day?
- Polar bear
- Koala
- Ornitorrinco
- Question of
The tongue of the giraffe measures approximately 50 cm.
- Yes
- No
- Question of
In autumn the deer moults the skin from its horns.
- True.
- False, it is in Spring.
- Question of
Which animal lays the world’s largest eggs?
- Whale shark
- Ostrich
- Question of
The Brown Alpine cow is a native of ___.
- England
- Scotland
- Switzerland
- Question of
Which is NOT a type of Perch?
- European Perch
- Blue Perch
- Yellow Perch
- Question of
Here’s a tough one, about how much does the tongue of an adult blue whale weigh?
- About 2,500 kilos.
- About 1560 kilos.
- About 2000 kilos.
- Question of
How many days does the gestation period of a domestic dog last?
- From 60 to 70 days.
- From 58 to 68 days.
- 100 days.
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