15 geography questions to test your knowledge. Ready to take this quiz? You will have to prepare yourself very well if you want to break records and challenge your friends.
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GEOGRAPHY TRIVIA QUIZ: 15 geography questions to test your knowledge
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- Question of
The Prado Museum is one of the most important in the world. In which European capital is it located?
- Madrid, Spain.
- Rome, Italy.
- Question of
Name given to the site, high in the mountains, where snow and ice are preserved:
- Raincoat
- Snowdrift
- Question of
Manila is the capital of which country?
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Bahrain
- Question of
Copán is an important archaeological site of the ancient Mayan civilization, where is it located?
- Honduras
- Belize
- Question of
What strait separates the island of Sicily from mainland Italy?
- Malacca
- Messina
- Morea
- Question of
What is the name of the flashing hot spring in the form of a jet?
- Spring
- Geyser
- Question of
What sea separates the African continent from the Arabian Peninsula?
- Red
- Black
- Dead
- Question of
What is the largest micro-state in Europe?
- Malta
- Andorra
- Liechtenstein
- Question of
Scoresby Sund is the largest fjord in the world, where is it located?
- Greenland
- Canada
- Question of
What ocean does the Asian continent border on to the east?
- Indian
- Pacific
- Atlantic
- Question of
How is the pile of stones and mud accumulated by a glacier known?
- Moraine
- Grao
- Question of
What is the name of the stretch of sea that separates South America from Antarctica?
- Drake Passage.
- Sea of Sickles.
- All of the above.
- Question of
Where is Wat Arun’s Buddhist temple located?
- Siem Riep, Cambodia.
- Bangkok, Thailand.
- Question of
Name of the river that runs between Russia and Kazakhstan, traditionally considered the border between Europe and Asia:
- Dnieper
- Volga
- Ural
- Question of
Yellowstone National Park, one of the oldest in the world, spans three states in the U.S. Which of these is one of those states?
- Utah
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
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