25 human anatomy questions to test you out. Only 1 out of 10 people get questions 7, 11 and 13 right on this human anatomy test.
QUIZ: 25 human anatomy questions to test you out
If you’re wondering what kind of questions should you expect in this quiz, here are three examples:
- What is the name of the science that studies the muscular system?
- Where in the body is the pectine muscle located?
- When chewing, how many pairs of muscles determine jaw movements?
Can you answer these questions correctly? Even if you don’t, take this human anatomy quiz and have fun. You will probably not get the highest score, but you will definitely learn something new today. Let’s play!
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- Question of
What are the fibres that bind the muscles to the bones called?
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Cartilage
- Question of
What is the name of the science that studies the muscular system?
- Mycology
- Muscology
- Myology
- Question of
How many muscles does the human body have approximately?
- 350
- 550
- 650
- Question of
How many types of muscle tissue are there?
- Three
- Five
- Six
- Question of
What type of muscle tissue are skeletal muscles?
- Striated
- Cardiac
- Smooth
- Question of
Where in the body is the pectine muscle located?
- In the hand
- In the arm
- In the leg
- Question of
How are smooth muscles also known?
- Internal
- Immobile
- Involuntary
- Question of
What percentages of the body are made up of muscles?
- 40%
- 50%
- 60%
- Question of
What is the largest muscle in the human body?
- Femoral quadriceps
- Gluteus maximus
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Question of
How many muscles are the buttocks made up of?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Question of
How do the muscles known as autonomic muscles work?
- They move through the central nervous system.
- They move involuntarily and voluntarily.
- They work without the intervention of the central nervous system.
- Question of
Which of these muscles is an autonomous muscle?
- The heart muscle
- The diaphragm
- The eyelids
- Question of
Muscle located in the upper lateral aspect of the thorax.
- Greater serratus
- Minor complex
- Lumbar square
- Question of
The trapezius muscle is a muscle located in the back of the neck and trunk.
- True
- False
- Question of
What are muscle cells called?
- Myths
- Myocytes
- Leukocytes
- Question of
What kind of muscle is the “Rectus Abdominis”?
- Abanicoid
- Circular
- Plain
- Question of
The muscle that surrounds the shoulder joint and connects the shoulder girdle to the humeral diaphysis.
- Triceps
- Deltoid
- Biceps
- Question of
What is the longest muscle in the human body?
- Calf muscle
- Trapeze
- Sartorius
- Question of
What is the name of the muscle popularly known as the calf muscle?
- Gastrocnemius muscle
- Vast muscle
- Soleus muscle
- Question of
What proteins are involved in the process of muscle contraction?
- Pepsin and fibrin
- Collagen
- Myosin and actin
- Question of
When chewing, how many pairs of muscles determine jaw movements?
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Question of
The masseter is a muscle of the face.
- True
- False
- Question of
Of what type of muscles is the “sarcomere” the anatomical unit?
- Striated
- Smooth
- Question of
Which of these muscles does NOT exist?
- Biceps femoris
- Sphenoid
- Infraspinatus
- Question of
Where is the anconeal muscle located?
- Forearm
- Hand
- Scapular girth
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