80% of people fail this astronomy quiz. A real challenge, not for amateurs. What gas is the blue color observed on Neptune? We told you it wasn’t easy. Accept the challenge. If you get 80%, you can boast a great result.
80% of people will fail this astronomy quiz. Can you answer all 15 questions?
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- Question of
Which gas is responsible for the blue color observed on Neptune?
- Propane
- Methane
- Ethane
- Question of
What was the name of Neptune’s biggest storm?
- The Great White Spot.
- The big blob.
- The Great Dark Spot.
- Question of
Select the name of Pluto’s satellite.
- Charon
- Titania
- Question of
How long does it take for Pluto to complete a turn to the sun?
- 247 years.
- 192 years.
- Two hundred years.
- Question of
Which of Jupiter’s satellites could contain liquid water under its surface?
- Europa
- Callisto
- Ganymede
- Question of
What celestial body is more volcanic than the Earth?
- Titan
- Miranda
- ÍO
- Question of
Which satellite has seas and methane atmosphere?
- Hyperion
- Japetus
- Titan
- Question of
What is the coldest object in the solar system?
- Galatea
- Triton
- Nereida
- Question of
What do the measurements indicate about the expansion of the universe?
- It’s accelerating.
- It’s receding.
- It’s stopping.
- Question of
Up to what element can a star perform the process of nuclear fusion?
- Titanium
- Silicon
- Iron
- Question of
Approximately 30,000 light years from Earth, it lies at the center of the galaxy.
- True
- False
- Question of
What region of the solar system do comets come from?
- Asteroid belt.
- OORT cloud.
- Interstellar space.
- Question of
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.
- True
- False
- Question of
Which constellation does Sirius belong to?
- Southern Cross.
- Can major.
- Question of
The planetary nebula forms when a star the size of the Sun comes to an end.
- True.
- False, that’s when white dwarfs come to an end.
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