How much do you know about the animal kingdom – QUIZ. We’re pretty sure you’re going to fail this quiz. Go ahead. Average score: 10/15. Prove you’re the best in this quiz. What group of mammals lay eggs? You must not hesitate to answer correctly. If you pass question 15, you’ll belong to the 65% who answer correctly.
Animal Kingdom QUIZ. We’re pretty sure you won’t score 15/15. Average score: 10/15
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- Question of
What group of mammals lays eggs?
- Monotremes
- Placental
- Question of
What’s the name of the sound magpies make?
- Cooing
- Squawk
- Question of
Which group do amphibians with tails belong to?
- Urodelos
- Anurans
- Question of
What continent do coyotes live on?
- Africa
- America
- Question of
What is the name of the balls made up of eggs and other undigested parts that regurgitate some birds such as owls?
- Barbels
- Aegagropila
- Question of
Which of the following reptiles is poisonous?
- Gila monster.
- Gila lizard.
- Question of
What animal sleeps the most hours a day?
- Koala
- Sloth
- Question of
Armadillos are mostly:
- Diurnal
- Nocturnal
- Question of
Which of these animals does not feed on blood?
- Weevil
- Gnat
- Question of
What’s the scientific name of the raccoon?
- Macropus
- Procyon
- Question of
Animal with the longest memory.
- Dolphin
- Elephant
- Question of
A leopon is a hybrid product of the cross between a lioness and a tiger.
- True
- False
- Question of
There is an immortal animal.
- True
- False
- Question of
What’s the least developed sense of ferrets?
- Sight
- Hearing
- Question of
Which of the following is the fastest animal?
- Mite
- Leopard
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