Do you really know your body? The reality is that many of us don’t know our bodies in depth. Do you dare to test your knowledge on the human body with this quiz?
Do you really know your body? Take this quiz and find out
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- Question of
What’s the largest muscle in the human body?
- The gluteus maximus
- The latissimus dorsi
- Question of
What’s the smallest bone in the body?
- The femur
- The stapes
- Question of
What’s the name of the colored area of the eye?
- Iris
- Cornea
- Question of
How many bones does the human body have?
- 206
- 196
- 209
- Question of
The small intestine is approximately
- Between 18 and 21 meters
- Between 5 and 7 meters
- Question of
What’s the biggest organ in the body?
- The brain
- The skin
- The kidneys
- Question of
How much saliva does the human body produce each day?
- Two litres
- One litre
- Question of
Which one of these isn’t a head bone?
- Scaphoid
- Ethmoid
- Vomer
- Question of
What length would all the blood vessels in the body add if they were put in line?
- 99.000 meters
- 96.000 kilometers
- Question of
Which of these juices is produced in the liver?
- Urine
- Bile
- Question of
How long does it take for the kidneys to filter all the blood in the body?
- Five minutes
- Twelve minutes
- Half a day
- Question of
What part of the body doesn’t feel pain?
- The brain
- The eyes
- The kidneys
- Question of
The brain uses over a “____________” of the oxygen used by the human body
- half
- quarter
- Question of
How many teeth does an average adult have?
- 27
- 32
- 39
- Question of
How long does it take to completely digest eaten food?
- 2 hours
- 12 hours
- 5 hours
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