How much do you know about the human body? Every adult should pass this quiz, but only 35% can do it. What is the most common blood type in the world? If you know, that point is yours. Are you ready?
How much do you know about the human body?
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- Question of
What is the most common blood group in the world?
- O-
- O+
- A+
- Question of
Where is blood primarily manufactured in the human body?
- Spleen
- Liver
- Bone marrow
- Question of
How many chromosomes does the human being have in somatic cells?
- 33
- 50
- 46
- Question of
What part of our body is able to enlarge up to about four times its size under normal conditions?
- Pupil
- Diaphragm
- Lungs
- Question of
How many muscles has the human body?
- 640
- 530
- 450
- Question of
What is the smallest bone in the human body?
- Anvil
- Hammer
- Stirrup
- Question of
And the strongest muscle?
- Triceps
- Tongue
- Buttocks
- Question of
What is the functional unit of the kidney called?
- Nephron
- Urona
- Micciona
- Question of
How much does a human heart weigh approximately?
- 200 grams
- 400 grams
- 300 grams
- Question of
What movement does not require the participation of the brain?
- Reflexes
- Respiratory
- Eyepieces
- Question of
What part of the body does orchitis affect?
- Breasts
- Ovaries
- Testicles
- Question of
What is absent in a red blood cell?
- Nucleus
- Hemoglobin
- Anaerobic metabolism
- Question of
What cells are responsible for protecting us from infections?
- Leukocytes
- Lysosomes
- Enterocytes
- Question of
Which of these infectious agents has no genetic material?
- Prions
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Question of
What ocular abnormality is known as eyestrain?
- Cataracts
- Presbyopia
- Retinopathy
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