If you can get 15/15 in this general knowledge quiz, you may be… too smart. What is the chemical element whose symbol is Pt? If you know it, claim the point on the test. Only 25% pass the test with at least 10/15 and only 1 in 5 people answer the eighth question well. It won’t take long to take this quiz. Let’s play.
If you can get 15/15 in this knowledge quiz, you may be… too smart
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- Question of
The temperature at which matter passes from a liquid to a gaseous state is called the:
- Boiling point.
- Phase transition.
- Equation of state.
- Question of
The pitaya is also known as the dragon fruit.
- True
- False
- Question of
Select what is NOT a year in the Chinese calendar.
- Rat
- Snake
- Panda
- Question of
Which of the following is not a government house in a Latin American country?
- The moncloa.
- The pink house.
- The Coin Palace.
- Question of
What is the chemical element whose symbol is Pt?
- Silver
- Palladium
- Platinum
- Question of
An adult who is awake, in a state of rest, has an approximate number of heartbeats of:
- 15 to 30 per minute.
- 70 to 85 per minute.
- Question of
The electric current can be:
- Variable
- Continuous
- Both are valid.
- Question of
The timbre is the property that allows to distinguish between two musical notes played by:
- Two equal instruments.
- Two different instruments.
- Question of
What literary movement does Antonio Machado belong to?
- Realism
- Romanticism
- Modernism
- Question of
In which country was Ernesto Che Guevara born?
- Uruguay
- Argentina
- Cuba
- Question of
Select the nationality of Julius Caesar.
- Roman
- Greek
- Persian
- Question of
George Washington was the first president of the United States.
- True
- False
- Question of
In what year did man reach the moon?
- 1983
- 1945
- 1969
- Question of
Who was Bhumibol Adulyadej?
- Dictator of the Philippines.
- President of Burma.
- King of Thailand.
- Question of
Eolic energy is an energy obtained from:
- Water
- Wind
- Oil
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