
True or false? We dare you to discover whether these incredible facts about stocks and shares are true or just a myth

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There are many facts, news and events surrounding the stock and shares market. Do you think you are able to discover whether the following curious facts are true or just a myth?


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  • Question of

    Ahmad Al Jassin is a former Enron executive who cashed in an estimated $270 million in stock and left the company before it collapsed, divorced his wife, married an exotic dancer, bought an enormous piece of Colorado, sold it and then disappeared into obscurity

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Costco’s stock price has doubled since 2009, while having some of the happiest retail employees

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In 2009, General Motors declared bankruptcy, took billions in government bailout money and issued new stock for the “New GM,” with no compensation for the old shareholders’ now worthless “old GM” stock

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    After seeing it hit a low point in 2009, Domino’s Pizza saw their stock grow 422 percent within a year after changing their management policy

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In 1999, 15-year-old New Jersey boy named Jonathan Lebed was making up to $74,000 a day in the stock market by using internet message boards to manipulate prices. The Government eventually went after him, but he was able to keep half a million dollars of his gains

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    There is a ‘pirate stock exchange’ in Somalia where locals can invest in pirate gangs planning hijacking missions

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Steve Jobs gave his housekeeper Apple stocks every year for the holidays. She died a multi-millionaire

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In 2001, Kim ‘Dotcom’ purchased €375,000 of shares of a nearly bankrupt company, announced he would invest €50 million in the company, and caused the share value to jump nearly 300%. He sold his shares a few days later for €1,568,000. He never had the money available to invest.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In 2011, Tupac Shakur made $8.7 million using Twitter to convince people to invest in a failing penny stock.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Ronald Wayne was the third cofounder of Apple, along with Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. In 1976, he sold his 10% share of the company for $800. Today, his 10% would have been worth of $35 billion

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    . Microsoft saved Apple from going under in 1997 by buying 150 million in non-vote shares so they wouldn’t become a monopoly.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Italy owns a fund worth US $570 billion containing 1% of all the publicly traded shares in the world.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In 1954, economist Armen Alchian was able to figure out what the secret fuel was for the newly developed hydrogen bomb just by looking at the share prices of chemical suppliers on the stock market

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    Today, it is estimated that around 70% of stocks traded in the US and EU markets are bought/sold by algorithmic programs, with some markets pushing 80%

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    The New York Stock Exchange was founded in 1692, when several stockbrokers stood on Wall Street under a buttonwood tree and signed an agreement called the ‘Buttonwood Agreement’ to start the New York Stock Exchange.

    • True
    • False

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nancy silva

Author: Nancy E. Silva

I define myself as an empathetic, creative, proactive and results-oriented person. I am passionate about professional and personal development, Human Resources management, entrepreneurship, information technologies, innovation and the development of business strategies. I love to learn something new every day.

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