Only a true globetrotter can pass this World Currency Quiz. It is a real challenge and the average score doesn’t go any higher than 6/12.
If you know what the official currency of Australia is called, claim a point. The question is: can you score 12/12 on this currency trivia?
World Currency Quiz only for a true globetrotters
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What is the name of the character on the bill?
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What is this currency called?
- South Korean won
- North Korean won
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What is the official currency of Serbia called?
- Dinar
- Frank
- Crown
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What is the currency of Australia called?
- Euro
- Dollar
- Dram
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Which of these is the current currency of Russia?
- Yes
- No
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Circulating currencies of:
- Japan
- China
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Select the country to which this bill belongs:
- Sweden
- Poland
- Norway
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What is the currency of Romania called?
- Leu
- Grivna
- Marco
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What is the currency of Brazil called?
- Quetzal
- Peso
- Real
- Question of
What country do these bills belong to?
- Croatia
- Ukraine
- Czech Republic
- Question of
What is the name of this official currency?
- Peso
- Lempira
- Guarani
- Question of
What is the official currency of Egypt called?
- Lira
- Pound
- Riyal
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