How much do you know about world geography? It’s a difficult challenge to pass. Average score of this quiz does not get any higher than 9/15.
Compete with your friends, and find out who is the best in this area. Take this geography trivia quiz and paste a screenshot with your result in a comment on our Facebook page. Who will be the best?
World geography trivia quiz. Can you pass it?
Can you score 15/15 in this world geography trivia quiz? The quiz is designed to challenge your understanding of various geographic topics. You’ll have the opportunity to explore different aspects of our diverse planet.
Your task is simple: choose the correct answer from the 2-4 options provided for each question. Pay close attention to the details, as there is only one correct answer for each question.
Whether it’s identifying the flag of Albania, discovering the highest peak in Spain, or determining the official currency of Jordan, this geography quiz covers a wide range of topics.
Take this World geography quiz and test your knowledge
Taking part in geography knowledge quizzes like this one offers numerous benefits. First and foremost, it helps you expand your knowledge and understanding of the world we live in. You’ll enhance your familiarity with different countries, landmarks, currencies, and more.
Additionally, quizzes like these can improve your memory retention, critical thinking skills, and overall cognitive abilities.
So, why not take up the challenge and put your geography knowledge to the test? Good luck, and enjoy the adventure of exploring the world from the comfort of your own home.
Before you start make sure you follow us on Facebook. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
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- Question of
Polish dance with a lot of rhythm:
- Cueca
- Marinera
- Oberek
- Question of
The emblematic animal of Denmark is the:
- Swan
- Deer
- Question of
The flag of Greece is composed of nine horizontal stripes of identical dimensions, of color ____ and ____ that alternate.
- Red and white
- Blue and white
- Question of
One of the most famous Christmas carols in the world, Silent Night, is originally from:
- Poland
- Austria
- Question of
In the current flag of Albania there is a:
- Peacock
- Spectacled bear
- Double headed eagle
- Question of
The highest peak in Spain is:
- Teide Peak
- Aneto Peak
- Veleta Peak
- Question of
Country that shares a border with Haiti.
- El Salvador
- Dominican Republic
- Question of
The Emerald City of the USA is:
- Seattle
- California
- Question of
Pisco is the name of a distilled grape spirit currently produced in:
- Chile
- Serbia
- Question of
Jordan has as its official currency the:
- Ruble
- Dinar
- Dollar
- Question of
Bhangra is a music and dance native to the region of northern India and Pakistan.
- True
- False
- Question of
Capital of Andorra:
- Rapmal
- Andorra La Vieja
- Question of
The kiss on the cheek is more common in Europe and:
- Oceania
- Latin America
- Question of
The so-called Cotton Castles, are located in:
- Alaska
- Canada
- Turkey
- Question of
Cayenne is the capital of:
- French Guiana
- Guyana
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