You can answer these questions only if you’re really smart. Average score? We should hide this information. What country was the first to ban plastic bags? Actually, very few people can answer this question.
QUIZ: You can answer these questions only if you’re really smart
What kind of questions we’re about to ask you? Here are some examples:
- With only eight bars of music, what country has the shortest national anthem in the world?
- What country was the first in the world to ban plastic bags (in 2002)?
- How many languages are officially spoken in Switzerland?
We wish you good luck to undertake a quiz like this. Average scores have not been going any higher than 9/15, but there’s still hope.
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- Slovakia
- Austria
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With only eight bars of music, what country has the shortest national anthem in the world?
- Malaysia
- Tuvalu
- San Marino
- Uganda
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The Monkey Buffet Festival lines the streets of a town with platters of fruit, cakes, and candy for the people… and local macaque monkeys. In what country?
- India
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Laos
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How many languages are officially spoken in Switzerland?
- Four
- Five
- Three
- Two
- One
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In what country are yellow flowers a no-no as a thank you gift because they symbolize infidelity and the ending of a relationship?
- Italy
- Sri Lanka
- Britain
- Russia
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“Lari” is the name of the national currency of which of these countries?
- Republic of Georgia
- Mongolia
- Uzbekistan
- Bhurma
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With 158 stanzas, what country has the longest national anthem in the world?
- Greece
- Romania
- Iran
- Dominican Republic
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Which of these nations is said to have the largest population of gypsies?
- Spain
- United States
- Romania
- Russia
- Egypt
- Question of
What country was the first in the world to ban plastic bags (in 2002)?
- Netherlands
- Malaysia
- Britain
- Bangladesh
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Etiquette prescribes not blowing your nose in public in which country?
- New Zealand
- Japan
- Sweden
- South Korea
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Which of these countries has a totally square flag?
- Bulgaria
- Jordan
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
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Which city has the world’s highest free-standing cranes, already considered a national monument?
- Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Shanghai, China
- Berlin, Germany
- Melbourne, Australia
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What is the only country that has a two-sided flag (same colors, different symbols in obverse and reverse)?
- Papua New Guinea
- Haiti
- Paraguay
- Bhutan
- Question of
Tha capital city of Bangladesh is:
- Karachi
- Chittagong
- Bhagalpur
- Dhaka
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