Are you smart enough to answer all the questions in this geography test? What term is used to describe the unique and interrupted land mass that formed the Earth 200 million years ago? Do not be afraid of the question, because your answer is easier than it seems. The average score: 9/15
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- Yucatan Peninsula
- Baja California Peninsula
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What is the largest peninsula that connects two continents?
- Seoul
- Seoul
- Istanbul
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- Bombay
- Calcutta
- Agra
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What term is used to describe the unique and interrupted land mass that formed the Earth 200 million years ago?
- Mamba
- Pangea
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What country is Vienna the capital of?
- Switzerland
- Austria
- Albania
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Which European country is further west?
- Armenia
- Andorra
- Iceland
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Which ocean is home to 75% of the volcanoes on Earth?
- The Pacific Ocean
- The Atlantic ocean
- The Indian Ocean
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What is the official language of Brazil?
- Brazilian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
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Which African nation has more pyramids?
- Sudan
- Egypt
- Cameroon
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What is the highest point in Argentina?
- Aconcagua
- Rincon Hill
- Domuyo volcano
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In what state of the USA Is the city of Metropolis?
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Virginia
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The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in the Earth’s oceans.
- True
- False
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What European country is home to Transylvania?
- Romania
- Croatia
- Russia
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Suriname is the smallest country in South America.
- True
- False
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What Asian country has Kuala Lumpur as its capital?
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- Maldives
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