Everyone should score high in this biology quiz. Easy questions mixed with tough ones as usual, but… quite many fail in question no. 8! What will be your score? Don’t hesitate, let’s play.
Do you rely on your luck? Everyone should score high in this biology quiz
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- Question of
What is the name of the white part of an egg?
- Germinal disc
- Albumen
- Viteline membrane
- Air cell
- Question of
What blood type needs a human to be an universal donor?
- O+
- AB-
- AB+
- O-
- Question of
The longest bone in human body is:
- Humerus
- Radius
- Femur
- Tibia
- Question of
How are animals that can live in the water and on land called?
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
- Aquatic
- Molluscs
- Question of
Which has been nicknamed “the master gland” of the human body?
- The pineal body
- The hypothalamus
- The pituitary gland
- The thymus
- Question of
An octopus has how many hearts?
- One
- Two
- Three
- None
- Question of
Who was the scientist that discovered the basic laws of inheritance in 19th century?
- Dmitri Mendeleyev (Russia)
- Charles Darwin (Great Britain)
- Augustin Pyrame de Candolle (France)
- Gregor Mendel (Austria)
- Question of
What’s the largest internal organ of the human body?
- Liver
- Brain
- Skin
- Lungs
- Question of
What is the scientific name of an apple tree?
- “Ananas comosus”
- “Malus domestica”
- “Persea gratissima”
- “Pyrus pyrifolia”
- Question of
Where did the purple dye used in Roman togas as symbol of imperial dignity come from?
- A flowering plant called woad
- Mineral cinnabar
- The mucous of sea snails
- Hydrated iron oxide
- Question of
Who was the scientist that discovered penicillin?
- Paul Ehrlich
- Alexander Fleming
- Jules Bordet
- Frederick Banting
- Question of
Which is the only internal organ in the human body capable of regenerating lost tissue?
- The liver
- The brain
- The stomach
- The gallbladder
- Question of
What is the eye color found in approximately 2% of all people?
- Green
- Gray
- Brown
- Blue
- Question of
What’s the definition of exobiology?
- The study of life possibilities in polluted spaces
- The study of life possibilities in foreign countries
- The study of life posibilities in outer space
- The study of life possibilities outside a laboratory
- Question of
What monocarpic plant blooms at the same time only once in 48 years?
- Palmtree
- Yucca
- Bromeliad
- Bamboo
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