If you get more than 10 correct answers, then you must be from outer space. Are you ready to test your knowledge with our quiz? Let’s play!
The desire to explore the universe is as old as humanity, but not until the twentieth century did our technology catch up with our imaginations. Prepare for take-off as we take a blast into the past with this quiz about humans in space. Can you get a score higher than the average of 12 on this Space Pioneer Quest?
If you get more than 10 correct answers, then you must be from outer space. Only 1 in 220 make no mistakes
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- Question of
Who was the first woman in space?
- Svetlana Savitskaya
- Valentina Tereshkova
- Yelena V. Kondakova
- Question of
Who was the first man to walk in space?
- Neil Armstrong
- Ed White
- Alexei Leonov
- Eugene Cernan
- Question of
When did the NASA unveil Orion, the agency’s newest manned spaceship?
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2014
- Question of
How much did NASA’s Curiosity rover cost?
- 100M$
- 500M$
- 1.2B$
- 2.6B$
- Question of
Which space probe successful entered Jupiter’s orbit?
- Juno
- Deep Impact
- Galileo
- Dawn
- Question of
How many nations were involved in the construction of the international space station?
- 12
- 16
- 15
- 7
- Question of
Which is the first company to start cleaning up space debris?
- SpaceX
- RemoveDEBRIS
- Question of
Which was the first satellite to be launched into space?
- Sputnik 1
- Viking 1
- Voyager 1
- Apollo 1
- Question of
Which of these is a first Mars lander?
- Pioneer 1
- Luna 1
- Ranger 1
- Viking 1
- Question of
Which is the first nation to reach Mars in its first attempt?
- US
- UK
- India
- China
- Question of
Which was the first space flight that landed with the pilot still in the spacecraft?
- Freedom 7
- Project Gemini
- North America X-15
- Salyut
- Question of
Which space shuttle disintegrated completely upon re-entry into the atmosphere in 2003?
- Discovery
- Colombia
- Atlantis
- Challenger
- Question of
Which was the first joint U.S. and Russian spaceflight?
- Discovery Soyuz
- Apollo Soyuz
- Atlantis Soyuz
- Challenger Soyuz
- Question of
What is the name of the massive passenger rocket that SpaceX wants to build to take people to the Moon and Mars?
- Starship
- CST-100
- Cygnus
- Virgin Galactic
- Question of
What happened to the robotic lander Beresheet built by Israel for moon exploration?
- Loss of contact after landing on the moon
- System failure after take-off causes the shuttle to fall back to Earth
- Crashed on the moon due to engine failure and subsequent boost stabilization failure
- Landed successfully
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