Most people can’t score over 11/15 in this biology trivia. Can you do it? Dust off your old biology book, only then you can get the maximum score. Average score: 10/15.
Most people can’t score over 11/15 in this biology trivia
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- Question of
Biological process that leads an organism to develop its form.
- Reproduction
- Anastasie
- Morphogenesis
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Biological process in which organisms assimilate food and liquids necessary for functioning and growth.
- Nutrition
- Metabolism
- Ingestion
- Question of
Select the unique non-biological feature of the human being.
- Feeding
- Reasoning
- Culture
- Question of
Set of biochemical reactions and physicochemical processes that occur in a cell and in the body.
- Photosynthesis
- Secretion
- Metabolism
- Question of
The metabolism is divided into two conjugated processes, ___ and ___.
- catabolism, anabolism
- mutation, conjunction
- prokaryotes, monokaryotes
- Question of
Prokaryotes are ___, except for some cases such as myxobacteria.
- single cellular
- multicellular
- Question of
In biology, the behavior of those cells or organisms that obtain nutrients by ___ is called osmotrophy.
- osmotic absorption
- phagotrophy
- Question of
Branch of biology and experimental psychology that studies the behavior of animals in their natural environments.
- Ecology
- Zoology
- Ethology
- Question of
Lewis Henry Morgan is considered one of the founders of modern anthropology.
- True
- False
- Question of
Link that exists between two people by consanguinity, affinity, adoption, marriage or other stable rapport of affectivity.
- Relationship
- Familiarity
- Question of
Anton van Leeuwenhoek is known as the father of bacteriology.
- True.
- False, is the father of microbiology.
- Question of
Plants employ numerous different strategies to perform their sexual reproduction.
- True.
- False, they only reproduce through pollination.
- Question of
Coloring of a certain part of the organism of a living being by the deposit in it of pigments.
- Chlorophyll
- Melanophris
- Pigmentation
- Question of
Basic cell of the nervous system of all animals.
- Motor plate
- Membrane
- Neuron
- Question of
The thalamus is located above the brainstem, almost in the center of the brain.
- True
- False
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