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- Question of
Some history to start with… Which of these football teams never made it to the Super Bowl?
- New England Patriots
- Pittburgh Steelers
- Houston Texans
- New Orleans Saints
- Question of
Which athlete is the biggest Olympic medal winner in history?
- Mark Spitz (U.S.)
- Nadia Comaneci (Romania)
- Michael Phelps (U.S.)
- Sergey Bubka (Soviet Union)
- Question of
About your language skills… How is it called when a hockey player scores three goals in a single game?
- Hat trick
- Lighting a candle
- Pepper pot
- Power forward
- Question of
What city hosted 1956 Olympic Games?
- Tokyo (Japan)
- Helsinki (Finland)
- Rome (Italy)
- Melbourne (Australia)
- Question of
An easy one… How many soccer players should be on the field at the same time?
- 20
- 22
- 24
- 18
- Question of
Which team won the National Football League’s first Super Bowl?
- New York Giants
- Baltimore Ravens
- Dallas Cowboys
- Green Bay Packers
- Question of
Who was Muhammad Ali’s first boxing opponent on record?
- Jimmy Robinson
- Tunney Hunsaker
- Don Warner
- Karl Mildenberger
- Question of
Some more history to remember… Which basketball team won gold medal in the 1988 Olympic Games men’s tournament?
- Soviet Union
- Spain
- United States
- Lithuania
- Question of
What’s the total number of holes in a full round of golf?
- 22
- 16
- 18
- 20
- Question of
In what sport did Jan-Ove Waldner excell?
- Ice hockey
- Track cycling
- Table tennis
- Alpine skiing
- Question of
The Walker Law, passed in 1920 in New York, regulated which sport?
- Boxing
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Football
- Question of
In what place did the sport of curling originate?
- Newfoundland
- Scotland
- New Zealand
- Wales
- Question of
Soccer player James Rodríguez played for what team in FIFA World Cup 2018?
- Argentina
- Mexico
- Colombia
- United States
- Question of
In what sport did Randy Couture excell?
- Weightlifting
- Ultimate fighting
- Martial arts
- Track cycling
- Question of
Basque Pelota is a traditional sport in which players hit a ball against a wall using a basket. In what country did it appear for the first time?
- France
- Argentina
- Spain
- Portugal
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