10 questions about art. Every highly educated person should know how to answer these questions. But there is a problem: The average score is horrible.
Most people fail this challenge because they trust themselves too much. If you don’t want this to happen to you, read the titles of the works of art that we will give you before marking its author.
10 questions about art. Can you answer them all correctly?
Yes, that’s what this art test is about. We will write 3 famous paintings and you must mark which artist made them. Are you ready
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- Question of
Las Meninas, Rokeby Venus, Portrait of Juan de Pareja.
- Diego Velazquez.
- Pedro Pablo Rubens.
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The naked Maja, Saturn Devouring Her Son, The Third of May in Madrid.
- Joaquin Sorolla.
- Francisco de Goya.
- Question of
The Starry Night, Cafe Terrace at Night, The Yellow House.
- Gustav Klimt.
- Vincent van Gogh.
- Question of
The Persistence of Memory, The Face of War, The metamorphosis of Narcissus.
- Joan Miro.
- Salvador Dali.
- Question of
Guernica, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, The Old Guitarist.
- Pablo Picasso.
- Vasili Kandinski.
- Question of
The Treachery of Images, The Son of Man, The Lovers.
- Grant Wood.
- René Magritte.
- Question of
Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Milkmaid, Woman with a Water Jug.
- Rembrandt.
- Johannes Vermeer.
- Question of
Calling of Saint Matthew, Supper at Emmaus, Bacchus.
- Titian.
- Caravaggio.
- Question of
The School of Athens, The Transfiguration, Sistine Madonna.
- Rafael Sanzio.
- Miguel Angel.
- Question of
The Birth of Venus, Spring, Venus and Mars.
- Donatello.
- Sandro Botticelli.
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