Geography general knowledge. Do you know what ‘Sidereal Day’ is? If you think you do, test yourself in our quiz. Are you ready?
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Geography general knowledge QUIZ. Can you pass it?
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- Question of
Geostationary orbit is at a height of:
- 6 km
- 1000 km
- 3600 km
- 36,000 km
- Question of
Owing to the equatorial bulge and the polar flattening, the polar radius of the earth falls short of the equatorial radius by about:
- 22 km
- 36 km
- 41 km
- 53 km
- Question of
The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on:
- December 22nd
- January 3rd
- July 4th
- June 21st
- Question of
The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion) on:
- June 21st
- January 3rd
- July 4th
- September 23rd
- Question of
Which part of the earth’s surface receives the highest amount of insolation?
- Tropical deserts
- Equatorial region
- Savanna region
- No such criteria
- Question of
Which of the following best describes longitude?
- An imaginary line joining north and south poles
- The distance between a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian
- The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian
- The position of a place on earth’s surface with reference to the Prime Meridian
- Question of
The core of the Earth is made up of:
- mainly of iron in the liquid form
- mainly of nickel in the liquid form
- both iron and silica in the liquid form
- both iron and magnesium in the plastic state
- Question of
Which one of the following is not the effect of the revolution of the Earth.
- Change of seasons
- length of days and nights
- Determination of latitudes
- Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents
- Question of
Latitude and longitude both:
- pass through poles
- run parallel to the equator
- run parallel to each other
- run perpendicular to each other
- Question of
The point in the orbit of a moon that is farthest from the Earth and at which the moon’s velocity is at a minimum, the known as:
- Apehelion
- Apigee
- Umbra
- Perihelion
- Question of
Which of the following is not an effect produced by rotation of earth?
- It causes days and nights
- All heavenly bodies like sun, moon, planets appear to move from East to West
- Winds change their directions
- Poles have days and nights of 6 months duration
- Question of
What is ‘Sidereal Day’?
- The day on which the duration of sunshine is the maximum
- The day on which the duration of sunshine and darkness are equal
- The time during which the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis in respect of the fixed stars
- The day on which the sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator
- Question of
The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of:
- January
- March
- June
- September
- Question of
Antipodes are:
- lines joining places having a time difference of 12 hours
- places diametrically opposite on earth’s surface
- places located at a point where degree of latitude is equal to degree of longitude
- lines joining places having the same depths
- Question of
Which of the following pairs of metals are supposed to constitute the internal core of the earth?
- Chromium and Iron
- Magnesium and Lead
- Iron and Copper
- Nickel and Iron
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