12 easy questions to test your knowledge. It would be embarrassing if you got even one of these general knowledge questions wrong.
12 easy general knowledge questions. Take this quiz
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- Question of
Fe is the chemical symbol that defines iron.
- True
- False
- Question of
Astrology is the science that studies the stars, the planets, the satellites
- True
- False, it is astronomy.
- Question of
Richard Nixon was President of England from 1969 to 1974.
- True.
- False, of the United States.
- Question of
Pablo Picasso’s famous painting Guernica refers to the bombing that occurred on April 26th during the Spanish civil war.
- True
- False
- Question of
Stomatology; part of the medicine that deals with diseases of the stomach.
- True.
- False; it is diseases of the mouth.
- Question of
The wall of Ávila is a Greek military fence that surrounds the old part of the Spanish city.
- True.
- False, it is Romanesque.
- Question of
A Geiger counter is an instrument that allows to measure the speed of a ray.
- True.
- False, it measures the radioactivity.
- Question of
The lowest prime number is two.
- True.
- False, it is one.
- Question of
Michael Jackson’s first published song is “This is it”.
- True.
- False, it’s Girl Is Mine.
- Question of
In mathematics, the absolute value is the numerical value that does not consider the sign.
- True.
- False, it does consider it.
- Question of
The expression of the theory of relativity is E = m c ^2
- True.
- False, it is E= m c + 2
- Question of
There are 14 main gods of the Olympus.
- True.
- False, 12.
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