Can you pass our hard geography quiz? You won’t answer half of these questions correctly, but at least you’ll learn something new. Question no. 4? Not a chance.
Can you tell where is the largest active volcano of the World located? If you do, go on and claim your point. Are you ready for a challenge?
Trivia Quiz. Can you pass our hard geography quiz?
This geography test is loaded with questions from everywhere in the globe. Don’t hesitate, take this geography trivia quiz and share your score on our Facebook page.
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- Question of
The rivers Saône and Rhône meet in what French city?
- Dijon
- Lyon
- Toulouse
- Grenoble
- Question of
Which is the only continent that covers all four hemispheres?
- Europe
- Asia
- Africa
- Oceania
- Question of
Ǻ is a town (in fact, there are a few in the same country) said to be the one with the shortest name in the world. Where is it?
- Finland
- Denmark
- Sweden
- Norway
- Question of
Which of these cities is NOT built on seven hills?
- Rome, Italy
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Leipzig, Germany
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Dunedin, New Zealand
- Question of
What is the capital city that is crossed by the Potomac River?
- Ottawa, Canada
- Washington D.C.
- Wellington, New Zealand
- Canberra, Australia
- Question of
The town of Lerwick is in what of these British islands?
- Shetland
- Orkney
- Hebrides
- Isle of Man
- Question of
What is the second largest city of Poland?
- Wrocław
- Gdańsk
- Kraków
- Warsaw
- Question of
The Danube River passes through different cities in Europe. Which one is NOT a country’s capital?
- Belgrade
- Vienna
- Bratislava
- Budapest
- Regensburg
- Question of
Which is the capital city of Pakistan?
- Kabul
- Haiderabad
- Islamabad
- Amritsar
- Question of
Galicia is the northwestern region of which of these countries?
- Spain
- Italy
- Portugal
- Romania
- Question of
What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?
- Kirkwall
- Lewis
- Stanley
- Douglas
- Question of
The largest active volcano today is:
- Stromboli (Italy)
- Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
- Pinatubo (Philippines)
- Calbuco (Chile)
- Question of
With the number of 52,455, which of these countries has the most islands?
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Philippines
- Greece
- Question of
In this group of lakes which has the largest surface (69,485 sq. kilometers)?
- Tanganyika (Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Zambia)
- Huron (the US and Canada)
- Michigan (the US and Canada)
- Victoria (Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya)
- Question of
The Yangtze River runs only in what country’s territory?
- Vietnam
- Laos
- China
- Thailand
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