Can you pass this mythology quiz? Only 1 in 152 people can pass it with no mistakes. Do you think you can do it?
Will you be above or below the average score (9/14)? Don’t hesitate and let’s find out. Are you ready for this mythology trivia quiz? Let’s play.
Can you pass this mythology quiz?
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- Question of
Deep abyss used as a dungeon of suffering and a prison for the Titans:
- Dungeon
- Tartarus
- Acadia
- Question of
Female impersonators of revenge who pursued those guilty of certain crimes:
- Typhoons
- Nymphs
- Erinias
- Question of
Giants with 100 arms and 50 heads, sons of Gaea and Uranus:
- Hecatonchires
- Titans
- Chimeras
- Question of
Ruthless monster that lived in Nemea, terrorizing its surroundings. I’ll give you a hint, he had a skin so thick it was impenetrable.
- Bull
- Minotaur
- Lion
- Question of
Illustration of:
- Mephistopheles
- Hydra of Lerna
- Nauplia
- Question of
They had bronze beaks, wings and claws, whose poisonous excrements ruined the crops and were also carnivorous.
- Stucco birds.
- Birds of Hestia.
- Birds of Stephalus.
- Question of
Kidnapped by Hades who forces her to marry him, she becomes the queen of the Underworld:
- Persephone
- Demeter
- Rhea
- Question of
Two vultures or snakes eat his liver forever:
- Prometheus
- Pindar
- Titius
- Question of
Gift of the goddess Gaea to the goddess Hera on the occasion of her union with the god Zeus:
- Gold crown.
- Golden apples.
- Question of
The Minotaur was enclosed in a labyrinth designed by the artisan Daedalus, located in:
- The city of Knossos.
- The city of Cronus.
- The city of Comodoro.
- Question of
What was the third work of heracles?
- To kill the Hydra of Lerna.
- Capture the Bull of Crete.
- Capture the Hind of Cerinea.
- Question of
Whose son was Achilles?
- Peleo and Tetis.
- Hades and Persephone.
- Zeus and Danae.
- Question of
Athena was also known as:
- Atemia.
- Pallas Athena.
- Artemis.
- Question of
The underworld was known to have five rivers, which was one of them?
- Cocite.
- Flegeton.
- All of the above.
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