Every highly educated person should get at least 13/15. Unfortunately, average score doesn’t get higher than 10/15. We show you famous inventions so that you can guess who was the person who created them. Guess who was the famous creator of these contributions that helped to develop today’s society.
QUIZ: Every highly educated person should get at least 13/15
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- Question of
This mathematician, physicist, engineer and astronomer determined the value of the PI:
- Tales de Mileto
- Arquímedes
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This british inventor created the reflective telescope:
- Isaac Newton
- Thomas Savery
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He created the first electrochemical battery using zinc, copper and an electrolyte
- James Watt
- Alessandro Volta
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He invented fluorescent light, the induction motor, three-phase electricity and alternating current.
- Nikola Tesla
- John Harrison
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He invented the industrial loom, which was used in the mass production of textiles.
- Sir Richard Arkwright
- Sir Humphrey Davy
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It is known for having created the calotype process, using silver nitrate to take photographs
- Samuel Morse
- William Henry Fox Talbot
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He invented the pedal bicycle
- Louis Braille
- Kirkpatrick Macmillan
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He created the first process to produce color photographs
- James Clerk Maxwell
- Charles Babbage
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He developed the petroleum fuel propulsion automobile
- William Cullen
- Karl Benz
- Question of
He developed and innovated in a wide range of products, from the electric light bulb to the phonograph and the moving image camera.
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Nikola Tesla
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He’s considered the inventor of the first practical phone
- Michael Faraday
- Alexander Graham Bell
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She discovered the radio, which led to the development of radiation and X-rays.
- Stephanie Kwolek
- Marie Curie
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She invented the strong, thin and versatile fiber known as Kevlar, with which bulletproof vests, military helmets and other even space materials are made
- Stephanie Kwolek
- Mary Anderson
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She invented the windshield wiper
- Ruth Handler
- Mary Anderson
- Question of
She invented the dishwasher
- Josephine Cochrane
- Margaret Knight
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