It’s time for general knowledge “Jeopardy” trivia quiz! We have changed the rules, now you must mark the question instead of the answer.
Only 12% of participants score the highest score on this Jeopardy-style trivia quiz. Take this test and share your score on our Facebook page. Good luck!
General knowledge “Jeopardy” trivia quiz to test you out
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Gastón Leroux.
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Science that deals with missing organic beings from their fossil remains.
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- What is the capital Barbados?
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- Last book of the Bible:
- First book of the Bible:
- Second book of the Bible:
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- US bigest state:
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- US less populated state:
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- What other name are flies known by?
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- Spanish translation of ax:
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- Main organ of the circulatory system:
- Main organ of the central nervous system:
- Organ that is part of the digestive system:
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- Smallest country in South America:
- Tierra del Fuego is one of the 23 province of:
- Country that won the “Copa América” more times:
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