History QUIZ questions. Do you have a good memory? Prove it by responding correctly to these historical facts. Are you ready? Who is the founder of psychoanalysis? If you know, you already have a point in your favor. Are you ready to check your knowledge?
History QUIZ questions. Only 1 in 286 people score 15/15
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- Question of
Who is the founder of psychoanalysis?
- Burrhus Frederic Skinner
- Sigmund Freud
- Melanie Klein
- Question of
The largest epidemic of the bubonic plague in Europe was in the fourteenth century.
- True
- False
- Question of
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island___.
- San Pedro
- Margarita
- Corsica
- Question of
Tartarus, according to Greek mythology was the place where the bad guys went when they died.
- True.
- False, they went to the Champs Elysees.
- Question of
Select the name of the civilization that built the town of Machu Picchu in Peru.
- Olmec
- Inca
- Maya
- Question of
The first war of which there is historical record took place in Mesopotamia.
- True.
- False, it was in Egypt.
- Question of
Pablo Picasso was the painter and portraitist of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.
- True.
- False, it was Salvador Dalí.
- Question of
Panama proclaims its independence from Spain in the year ___.
- 1825
- 1821
- 1826
- Question of
After the end of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was signed.
- True.
- False, it was after the end of World War II.
- Question of
I think then I exist, phrase said by ___.
- Nicholas Machiavelli
- Rene Descartes
- Socrates
- Question of
Cheops is buried in the largest of the Egyptian pyramids.
- True
- False
- Question of
During the 19th century, which was the largest empire?
- German empire
- British Empire
- Spanish Empire
- Question of
In 1919 was murdered___, leader of the Mexican revolution.
- Francisco de Miranda
- Ernesto Guevara
- Emiliano Zapata
- Question of
The independence of Venezuela began in 1810.
- True.
- False, it was in the year 1830.
- Question of
The Russian Revolution, in what year did it occur?
- 1917
- 1916
- 1914
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