How well do you know the world’s religions? If you get more than 70% in this quiz, it’ll be a great success. Want to give it a try? What is the third religion in the world according to its number of followers? I’ll give you a clue, it seeks for people to pay more attention to spiritual wealth and not to material wealth.
How well do you know the world’s religions? QUIZ
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- Question of
Hinduism is the third religion in the world after Christianity and Islam.
- True
- False
- Question of
Look at the image, the first divinity of Hinduism, the god who created all that exists, is:
- Brahma
- Vishnu
- Question of
Look at the image, this Hindu god represents order, peace, and universal love, select his name.
- Shiva
- Vishnu
- Question of
According to Hinduism the wild god who destroys the universe at the end of the world is:
- Trimurti
- Rama
- Shiva
- Question of
The eternal consort of the god Vishnu, and goddess of beauty and good luck.
- Laksmi
- Karam
- Shri
- Question of
Look at the image, he is one of the gods widely revered as remover of obstacles, patron of the arts, sciences and lord of abundance.
- Jivatman
- Ishvara
- Ganesha
- Question of
Look at the image, it is the goddess of knowledge of art, music, science and history.
- Soma
- Saraswati
- Question of
Hanuman symbolizes the power of passion, adoration of God, the power of trust and courage.
- True.
- False, is the god of discord.
- Question of
It is considered the god of sacrifice and fire, had great importance because through the ritual of fire could come into contact with the gods.
- Agni
- Indra
- Question of
The god Soma is often depicted as a god who leads a three-wheeled chariot drawn by ten white horses.
- True
- False
- Question of
Varuna, the god who in the photo is inside the sea, is responsible for justice, order and truth.
- True
- False
- Question of
He is the god of death, lord of the spirits of the dead and guardian of the underworld.
- Brihaspati
- Iama
- Aditi
- Question of
Born of the mind of Brahmá, the four sons are described as great rishi (sages) who took the vows of celibacy against the desires of their father, are:
- Kumaras
- Brahmacharya
- Narada Muni
- Question of
The Brahmin priests recite it mentally moments before dawn and during dusk. What prayer are we referring to?
- The Gáiatri mantra
- The Bull’s Eye Mantra
- Visuá Mitra
- Question of
Look at the image, the Hindus consider that it grants wisdom, protection and healing to those who worship it.
- Ilu
- Tara
- Maca
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