International cuisine quiz. From which Italian city does pasta a la carbonara come? We won’t tell anyone if you fail to answer this question.
How many points will you get on this food trivia quiz? If just thinking about food makes you hungry, it’s best not to even try to pass this food trivia quiz.
International cuisine quiz. Can you score 10/10?
Besides, the average score is so low that many have been left wondering if they really know all the secrets of international cuisine.
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The chaufa rice is a fried rice dish that comes from:
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Marinara sauce is an Italian sauce that is usually made with:
- Tomato, garlic, herbs and onions.
- Parmesan cheese, butter and cream.
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- A typical South American soup.
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Which of these cheeses has large amounts of the fifth basic umami taste?
- Cheddar
- Pecorino
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From which Italian city does pasta a la carbonara come?
- Rome
- Palermo
- Naples
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The cau cau is a stew of the Peruvian gastronomy based on:
- Chicken and eggplant.
- Mondongo and potatoes.
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What is the main ingredient in Mofongo?
- Fried bananas.
- Young pork.
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Yakiniku is a Japanese term that, in its broad sense, refers to:
- Stewed dishes.
- Grilled meat dishes.
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Tandoori chicken is a roast chicken dish that dates back to the time of:
- Chinese Empire.
- Mongolian Empire.
- Korean Empire.
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La Dame Blanche is a sweet dessert from Belgium and the Netherlands consisting of:
- A three-layer ice cream of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.
- A vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and warm melted chocolate.
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