It’s not an easy history test. Do you think you can score 15/15 in this history trivia quiz? It’s not an easy task.
Where were the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era held? If you earn the point on this question, there will be one less question to worry about.
It’s not an easy history test. 89% of people can’t crash it
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- Question of
Where were the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era held?
- In Athens
- In Olympia
- In Sparta
- Question of
Who was the first emperor of Mexico?
- Vicente Guerrero
- José María Morelos
- Agustín de Iturbide
- Question of
In what year did the coup d’etat in Spain known as the 23F take place?
- 1971
- 1981
- 1991
- Question of
How did Joan of Arc die?
- Hangman
- Stoned
- Burned out
- Question of
In what year did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur?
- 1986
- 1989
- 1991
- Question of
What political system prevailed in Western Europe in the Middle Ages?
- Capitalism
- Feudalism
- Communism
- Question of
In what year did the Spanish Civil War begin?
- 1934
- 1936
- 1938
- Question of
Who did Leonidas fight to in the Battle of Thermopylae?
- Darius
- Themistocles
- Xerxes
- Question of
What was the first cloned animal in history?
- A sheep
- A frog
- A mouse
- Question of
Where was Dolly the sheep cloned?
- Scotland
- China
- Question of
In what year did the Wright brothers carry out the first flight in history?
- 1900
- 1903
- 1906
- Question of
Who was the first Roman Empire emperor?
- Augustus
- Caesar
- Nero
- Question of
What emperor ordered the construction of the Colosseum?
- Tiberius
- Trajan
- Vespasian
- Question of
On May 14, 1991, Pope John Paul II suffered an assassination attempt.
- True.
- False, it was in the year 1981.
- Question of
In what war did the famous “Normandy Landing” take place?
- World War I
- World War II
- Vietnam War
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