Only an actual historian can get more than 12/15 in this quiz. If you know in which year the radio was used for commercial transmission for the first time, you already have a point in your favor.
Only an actual historian can score more than 12/15 in this quiz. Ready?
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His murder in Sarajevo precipitated Austria’s declaration of war against Serbia, that triggered World War I.
- Francisco José I of Austria.
- John II of Liechtenstein.
- Francisco Fernando of Austria.
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At what age is it said that Jesus of Nazareth died?
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The island, which was baptized with the name of San Salvador, was the island of:
- The Bahamas
- Guanahani
- La Española
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Which were the Universities capable of transmitting a message to each other through the Arpanet network? Germ of what we now know as the Internet.
- The American universities of UCLA and Standford.
- Standford and Oxford universities.
- The Cambridge and Harvard universities.
- Question of
The terrorist organization that was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington was:
- Islamic State
- Ku Klux Klan
- Al Qaeda
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Hiroshima was the scene of the first atomic bombing of history, on August 6, ___, during the Second World War.
- Question of
Julio César falls assassinated at the entrance of ___.
- His bedroom
- The Curia
- The Parthenon
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The use of ___ in World War I was an important military innovation.
- mustard gas
- white phosphorus bullets
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In France, since the First World War, the title of Marshal of France is a dignity, that is to say a military distinction of the State, and not a military rank.
- True
- False
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Character that was key to the German defeat in the First World War.
- William II
- Ferdinand Jean Marie Foch
- Question of
In what year was the radio used for commercial transmission for the first time?
- Question of
Select the profession of Alexander Fleming.
- Astrophysicist
- Biologist
- Bacteriologist
- Question of
Year of start of the Civil War in Spain, started from Morocco by General Francisco.
- 1936
- 1939
- 1942
- Question of
The first man who arrived in space, Yuri Gagarin, died on March 27, 1968, when the jet he was flying with his instructor crashed.
- True
- False
- Question of
In 1983 a strange and terrible sexual transmission disease appears. Select the name.
- Herpes
- Human papilloma
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