Only true animal lovers can get 100% on this animal trivia quiz. Do you think you can answer all 15 questions correctly? It’s time to find out.
Can you pronounce the name for a group of larks? We were surprised to learn how few people can answer this question correctly.
Only true animal lovers can score 15/15 on this quiz
There’s a lot to learn from the animal kingdom. The average scoreof this animal test doesn’t ger any higher than 11/15. Can you change that?
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- Question of
What of these terms is a synonym for a baby pig?
- Pup
- Fawn
- Colt
- Shoat
- Question of
The animal with the biggest brain is:
- African elephant
- Blue whale
- Rhinoceros
- Killer whale
- Question of
The name of “Exmoor Emperor” refers to one mammal living in Britain. Which one?
- Grey wolf
- Brown bear
- Wild stag
- European polecat
- Question of
The dingo is a free-ranging type of dog that can be found mainly in what country?
- Canada
- Argentina
- Australia
- Madagascar
- Question of
In English, the meat of any game animal would be called:
- Veal
- Beef
- Mutton
- Venison
- Question of
What would be the proper English name for a group of larks?
- An exaltation
- A pitying
- A raft
- A spring
- Question of
What mammal was extinct in Britain but is beginning to be reintroduced?
- Brown bear
- Red deer
- Wild boar
- Hedgehog
- Question of
Carcharodon carcharias is the scientific name of what animal?
- Blue whale
- Walrus
- Killer whale
- White shark
- Question of
A group of swans or geese flying in a “V” pattern receives the name in English?
- A wedge
- A watch
- A wisp
- A trip
- Question of
What’s the proper name in English for the goat’s meat?
- Mutton
- Chevon
- Veal
- Beef
- Question of
What is the name of the only snake in the world that builds a nest for its eggs?
- African rock python
- Garter snake
- Coral snake
- King cobra
- Question of
Which of these marine creatures is non-poisonous?
- Sea urchins
- Blue-ringed octopuses
- Bristle worms
- Box jellyfish
- Question of
What of these animal species is known to change sex naturally?
- Common octopus
- Dusky salamander
- Earthworms
- Clownfish
- Question of
What living bird has the largest wingspan in the world?
- Eagle
- Albatross
- Buzzard
- Goshawk
- Question of
What horse breed is mainly used in racing?
- Arabian
- Thoroughbred
- Andalusian
- Morgan
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