How much do you know about Avatar? Can you beat the average of this quiz? Who’s the director of the movie? Is that an easy question or a hard one? Face it and you’ll see. The quiz average is 12/15, can you beat that?
AVATAR MOVIE QUIZ: ‘Avatar’ – do you remember this movie? Let’s play
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- Question of
Who’s the director of the film?
- Steven Spielberg.
- James Cameron.
- Quentin Tarantino.
- Question of
What year is Avatar set in?
- 2154
- 3897
- 10000
- Question of
Is Avatar a planet or a moon?
- Moon
- Planet
- Question of
What’s the name of the place where the film takes place?
- Panther
- Pandeta
- Pandora
- Question of
What is the name of the humanoid race that originated in Pandora?
- Na’gi
- Na’vi
- Na’qui
- Question of
What’s the name of the colonel who promised Jake new legs?
- Colonel Quaritch.
- Colonel Selfridge.
- Colonel Spellman.
- Question of
What’s the name of the pilot who took Jake, Grace and Dr. Norm Spellman into the jungle?
- Betty Chacon.
- Gertrudis Chacon.
- Trudy Chacon.
- Question of
What’s the name of the clan that Jake runs into?
- Omaticaya Clan.
- Oma’ya clan.
- Pandora Clan.
- Question of
What’s the name of the ore they’ re looking for and the one they’re destroying the Mother Tree for?
- Unobtainium
- Olomo
- Molybdenum
- Question of
What’s the name of the Na’vi who falls in love with Jake?
- Neytiri
- Fey’tiri
- Beytiri
- Question of
And Neytiri’s mother, what’s her name?
- Tsu’tey
- Mo’at
- Eytukan
- Question of
What is the name of the king of the Omaticaya?
- Eytukan
- Akwey
- Tsu’tey
- Question of
What’s the name of the bird Jake must tame in order to fly on it?
- Ikran
- Rex
- Paruk
- Question of
What is Pandora’s most dangerous creature?
- Toruk
- Ikran
- Viperwolf
- Question of
What is the name of the Na’vi deity?
- Eywa
- Toruk
- Soul Tree
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