Failing this quiz won’t kill you, but can make you feel ashamed. The question is: Can you answer these 12 general knowledge questions correctly?
Average score of this trivia test doesn’t get any higher than 8/12. Do you think you can score 12/12? Don’t hesitate, take this quiz and find out.
Can you answer these 12 general knowledge questions correctly?
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- Question of
An easy one to start with… Haiti is a sovereign state located in what place?
- Western Africa
- Caribbean Sea
- Central America
- South America
- Question of
What is Switzerland’s local currency?
- Swiss mark
- Euro
- Swiss franc
- Swiss dollar
- Question of
What is UK’s intelligence agency?
- MI6
- Question of
Another easy question… Ottawa is which country’s capital city?
- South Africa
- New Zealand
- Jamaica
- Canada
- Question of
What’s the name of the city that is one mile wide, two miles long and has 28 miles of water canals?
- Annecy
- Dubrovnik
- Venice
- Bruges
- Question of
Which state in the U.S. is nicknamed “Golden State”?
- California
- New Mexico
- Texas
- Florida
- Question of
Who was the deceased politician whose embalmed body can be visited today in Moscow’s Red Square?
- Leonid Brezhnev
- Nikita Khrushchev
- Vladimir Lenin
- Boris Yeltsin
- Question of
Where is the longest highway tunnel of the world located?
- Norway
- Japan
- Denmark
- China
- Question of
Which is the largest cement producer in the world?
- Cemex (Mexico)
- Lafarge-Holcim (Switzerland)
- Italcementi (Italy)
- Ahui Conch (China)
- Question of
What country is known as “The Economic Power House of Europe”?
- France
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Germany
- Question of
Where are International Monetary Fund’s headquarters located?
- Washington D.C., U.S.
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Vienna, Austria
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Question of
Who was the creator of the intelligence test?
- Carl Jung
- Alfred Binet
- Jean Piaget
- Kurt Lewin
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