Difficult general knowledge quiz. Prepare for 15 tough general knowledge questions that will test you out. How much do you really know?
“The persistence of memory“, also known as “The soft watches”, is a famous painting of… I hope you know the correct answer, because it’s the only really easy question in our general knowledge trivia quiz.
Difficult general knowledge quiz. Seriously, you won’t score 15/15
Will you get all the points? Don’t hesitate, take this general trivia quiz and find out. Don’t forget to share your score on our Facebook page.
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- Question of
How do you spell the next word correctly?
- Polistyrene
- Polystirene
- Polystyrene
- Question of
“The Persistence of Memory”, also known as “The Soft Watches”, is a famous painting of:
- Claude Monet
- Pablo Picasso
- Salvador Dalí
- Question of
Which of the layers of the atmosphere is the coldest?
- Troposphere
- Exosphere
- Mesosphere
- Question of
How do you spell it correctly?
- Pulgatory
- Purgatory
- Question of
Which of the following options is the right one?
- Sebastian, do you know when you’re coming?
- Do you know when you’re coming, Sebastian?
- Both are valid.
- Question of
In which country is the city of Leipzig located?
- Austria
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Question of
“Thus spake Zarathustra” a book for all and no one, is a work of the philosopher…
- Kant
- Nietzsche
- Freud
- Question of
How do you spell the next word correctly?
- Seriosly
- Seryousli
- Seriously
- Question of
In what city did Christopher Columbus die?
- Valladolid
- Seville
- Salamanca
- Question of
Which is NOT a city in India?
- Bangalore
- Surabaya
- Jaipur
- Question of
Point out the word that is misspelled.
- Centrall
- High
- Small
- Question of
How do you spell the next word correctly?
- Partitions
- Partytions
- Partityons
- Question of
Which of these words is correctly written?
- Styrofoam
- Stirofoam
- Styrofom
- Question of
Which of these words is misspellede?
- Wasp
- Sheep
- The mistake is in the question.
- Question of
Select the correct way to write in figures “Eight million three hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-one”.
- 8 327 451
- 8,327,451
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