General knowledge quiz. Do you dare to take this general knowledge test? We will quickly check your knowledge here. With this mixed quiz with different themes of general knowledge and culture you will spend a pleasant time discovering how much you know.
General knowledge quiz: 15 quiz questions
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- Question of
Solid phase, liquid phase, gas phase:
- The states of water.
- Gold transformation.
- Question of
What were the names of Pablo Escobar’s children?
- María and José Manuel
- Manuela and Juan Pablo
- Question of
What is the difference between manicure and pedicure?
- Manicure is the care of fingernails and pedicures of the feet.
- Manicure is the care of toenails and pedicures of the hands.
- Question of
Which of these territories had to cede the Austrian Empire to the French Empire after the Schonbrunn peace treaty?
- Tyrol and Salzburg.
- Trieste and Dalmatia.
- Question of
The capital of Kyrgyzstan is:
- Jalal-Abad
- Osh
- Biskek
- Question of
Who are considered the first creators in the history of cinema?
- Leon Gaumont and Charles Pathé
- Auguste and Louis Lumiere
- Ferdinand Zecca and Louis Gasnier
- Question of
Twenty years ago my grandmother was twice as old as my mother. Today my grandmother is twice as old as my mother was the day I was born. How old am I?
- 5
- 10
- 20
- Question of
In 2009 was elected president:
- Barack Obama
- Vladimir Putin
- Angela Merkel
- Question of
Rome was founded in 753 a. C.
- True
- False
- Question of
Spartacus was the leader of the most important slave uprising in the history of Rome.
- True
- False
- Question of
The colors of the circles on the Olympic flag in order:
- Black, orange, green, blue, yellow.
- Blue, yellow, black, green, red.
- Question of
At what time is it believed that the Australian Western Plateau formed?
- Paleozoic
- Neoproterozoic
- Question of
Louis Jacques Thenard described hydrogen peroxide for the first time.
- True
- False
- Question of
Rupert Stadler runs the company of one of the most famous car brands, which one?
- Audi
- Fiat
- Question of
During the twentieth century how many popes were in the Catholic church?
- 22
- 15
- 10
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