History quiz you certainly won’t pass. Are you ready to give it a try anyway? You must be an expert to score 15/15 in this trivia test.
If you know who Francisco Pizarro was, you already have a point. Are you ready to check your knowledge with this history quiz?
History quiz you certainly won’t pass. But are you willing to try?
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- Question of
It is one of the most outstanding works of Diego Velasquez.
- The Nightwatch.
- The Waterseller of Seville.
- The Raft of the Medusa.
- Question of
What is the name of the manuscript that contains most of the Septuagint and the New Testament?
- The Codex Alexandrinus.
- The Rylands papyrus.
- Question of
Who was Francisco Pizarro?
- The conqueror of Ecuador.
- The conqueror of Bolivia.
- The conqueror of Peru.
- Question of
Select the name of the character:
- Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Colonel MacGregor.
- Benito Mussolini.
- Question of
The Great Wall of China was extended to prevent the invasion of the Huns.
- True
- False
- Question of
Select the writing system used by the Egyptians:
- Tartalejos
- Hieroglyphics
- Sumerian
- Question of
Select the name of the character:
- Thomas Edison.
- Winston Churchill.
- Question of
Which one of these characters died of heart failure?
- Simon Bolivar.
- Christopher Columbus.
- Question of
Joan I of Castile was nicknamed..
- The Martyr.
- The Nun.
- The Mad.
- Question of
What is this character’s name?
- Alfred Nobel.
- Claude Monet.
- Question of
On March 20, 2016, President Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba.
- True
- False
- Question of
Auschwitz was:
- An extinct language of the tribes that inhabited North America.
- A complex formed by several concentration and extermination camps.
- A typical dish of the colonies that originated in Poland.
- Question of
Select the largest Empire in pre-Columbian America.
- Maya
- Aztec
- Inca
- Question of
Is this the photograph of the famous philosopher Hannah Arendt?
- True
- False
- Question of
Select the image of Fidel Castro’s blood brother:
- Yes
- No
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