How much do you know about Chile? I bet you can’t answer these geography questions. And you won’t be alone. The average score is… Disappointing.
Which Chilean city is considered “the southernmost city in the world”? Here is a preview of one of the apparently difficult questions. Do you know the correct answer?
QUIZ: How much do you know about Chile?
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- Question of
In which area of South America is Chile located?
- Northwest
- Northeast
- Southwest
- Southeast
- Question of
What is the capital of the Republic of Chile?
- Montevideo
- Santiago
- Bogotá
- Question of
How many regions does Chile currently have?
- 13
- 16
- 19
- Question of
What is the largest region in Chile?
- Antofagasta
- Atacama
- Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica
- Question of
In which city is the National Congress of Chile located?
- Valparaiso
- Santiago
- Concepción
- Question of
How many countries does Chile border with?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Question of
Which of these countries does NOT border Chile?
- Argentina
- Paraguay
- Bolivia
- Question of
In what year was Chile’s emancipation from the Spanish Empire officially declared?
- 1814
- 1816
- 1818
- Question of
Who is considered the “Father of the Country of Chile”?
- Bernardo O’ Higgins.
- Simón Bolívar.
- Jose de San Martin.
- Question of
Which Chilean city is considered “the southernmost city in the world”?
- Punta Arenas.
- Puerto Aysén.
- Port Williams.
- Question of
What is the longest river in Chile?
- The Loa River.
- The Biobío river.
- The Maipo river.
- Question of
What is the name of the Chilean flag?
- The Chilean Star.
- The White Star.
- The Lone Star.
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