The average score hasn’t got any higher than 9/15. Question no. 9 has become a riddle for many. Any frequent tourist should know already what city has the most hotel rooms, but that’s just an example of the topics found here. If you are not afraid of the strange or the bizarre, take the plunge with this test.
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Which is the second most traded commodity in the world after petroleum?
- Sugar
- Gasoline
- Coffee
- Cotton
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What country banned Donald Duck comics because he wears nothing under the waist?
- Finland
- China
- United Arab Emirates
- Lithuania
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What is the only one among these fruits that can actually be classified as a berry?
- Strawberry
- Raspberry
- Cherry
- Banana
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What works better to keep people awake in the morning than drinking coffee?
- Doing some push-ups
- Eating an apple.
- Stretching
- Drinking just water
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Psychiatrists call achluophobia to the fear of what?
- Noise
- Heights
- Darkness
- Cats
- Question of
What country produces the most oxygen in the world?
- Sweden
- Russia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Question of
What city in the world has the most hotel rooms available?
- Las Vegas
- Paris
- New York City
- London
- Cancún, Mexico
- Question of
In what country is considered a real insult for your hosts to sprinkle salt on your food?
- Turkey
- Austria
- Egypt
- Armenia
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Stretching some 5,700 kilometres from west to east, how many time zones does China’s territory have?
- Four
- One
- Five
- Six
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All official travel to and from Antarctica must fly through which country?
- Argentina
- South Africa
- Chile
- New Zealand
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How many muscles in the human body are needed to take one step?
- 200
- 30
- 85
- 110
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Which one was invented first, the match or the lighter?
- The match
- The lighter
- Both were invented at the same time.
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What type of people tend to have the highest tolerance for alcohol?
- Brown-eyed
- Grey-eyed
- Blue-eyed
- Green-eyed
- Question of
Cockroaches can live for a few weeks with their heads cut off.
- True
- False
- Question of
Psychiatrists call trypophobia to the fear of what?
- Heat
- Dolls
- Germs
- Holes
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