You have to know some basic facts about the world to get all the points in this quiz. Are you ready to take this quiz? If you can tell which is the second most populated country in the world, you’ve got a better chance.
If you don’t know basic facts about the world, you won’t pass this quiz
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- Question of
Irish used to be one of the main languages in what place outside Ireland?
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Newfoundland, Canada
- Maine, US
- Question of
Birds of prey like owls are found in all continents in the world.
- True
- False
- Question of
There is a country in the world where folk tradition used to prescribe owl raw eggs to cure alcoholism. Which one?
- Jamaica
- Kenya
- England
- Question of
Who was considered the father of Geography in history?
- Ptolemy
- Eratosthenes
- Question of
Geographical space components are natural, social, cultural…
- Economic
- Political
- All of the above
- Question of
A megadiverse country possesses the greatest amount of animal and plant species found in the world. Which country is an example of megadiversity?
- Mexico
- Ecuador
- Brazil
- All of them
- Question of
What name does receive the belt located between the Cancer and Capricorn Tropics?
- Subtropics
- Intertropical zone
- Temperate zone
- Question of
What’s the name for the differences between the highest and lowest areas on Earth’s surface?
- Range
- Relief
- Summit
- Question of
What’s the name given to the vast, dry and barren region between China and Mongolia?
- Sahara Desert
- Kalahari Desert
- Gobi Desert
- Question of
What’s the second most populated country in the world?
- China
- Brazil
- India
- Question of
Which continent has the dryest area in the world?
- Asia
- America
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Question of
Baikal Lake, the deepest, clearest and oldest in the world, is located in:
- China
- Russia
- Switzerland
- Question of
Mediterranean Sea bathes the shores of 11 European countries, 5 Asian and 5 African.
- True
- False
- Question of
Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean.
- True
- False, it’s Majorca
- Question of
The Republic of Croatia has frontiers only with Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia and the Adriatic Sea.
- True
- False
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